Tuesday 14 July 2009


Listening to Green Day makes me sad for some reason now.

Maybe cos the new album is shit? Most possibly

Maybe because I can't see them live? Most probable

Maybe because it reminds me of a few years ago where I whined like a pathetic douchebag online to a certain female?

Yeah. That's the one.

Looking back, maybe I should have went out more, it all started in first year, I blame Darryl for fucking up the form classes causing me to be seperated from Matt and Nathan. I would have been a different person, but maybe, at this moment.... I would have been happy.

Alltogether now

"I Sit around and watch the tube,but nothing's on
I Change the channels for an hour or two
Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit
I'm sick of all the same old shit
In a house with unlocked doors
And I'm fucking lazy"

"Bite my lips and close my eyes
Take me away to Paradise"

Saturday 27 June 2009

Aint blogged in a while....

Yer Maw.

I beat ya Matt ;D

Err, Schools over. But got a lot of shit for English I cba with :)

Bass is finally getting fixed :D After like, 3 weeks :\ it's all good :D

Revolution music has a P Bass, I want it O_O Even if it's Mexican, I still want it, it's Candy Apple Red, and I'd put a checkerboard pickguard on it, that would define hawtness.

I spent my £10 voucher on a Blink shirt because HMV had no Primus :(

Hurt my back at go-karting, and my arms hurt, and I spun out twice. But i got my time down from around 40-odd seconds to around 27.36 :D

Everyone is hitting around 21-22, i'll get them someday :P

I guess that's it...

Tuesday 2 June 2009

My contribution to Soceity

I cancelled my 2 year old Myspace account.

Can't even remember why I got it in the first place, well, I do. But i'm not telling you!

Sunday 31 May 2009

Interwebs in the Sun

I don't no interwebs in the sun,
I can't see my display, it's a glossy one,
Now I think my processir has just blown up on me,
But can I find out because I cannae fucking see!

Guess the original song and get a cookie.

Saturday 23 May 2009

I Win! :D

I win. The debate between the use of "^^" has been decided. I won. It's a smiley. Bitch ;D

Or should I say ^^

Thursday 21 May 2009

I feel ill D:

Stupid Scuzz. Lulling me into a false sense of security. You get comfy with Steel Panther's "Death to All But Metal" then it goes and throws "This Aint A Scene" by Fag Out Faggy Fag D:


This aint a city, it's a gotham arse race.

I'm a little mad,
But i'm also emo...
Also into cats :D
Oh so Etriii Kaaaah?

Saturday 16 May 2009

Sources Closed.

Gone back to Primary Windows.... had to uninstall GRUB. Went through a heck of a lot of re-boots and web pages to try and find a solution. Turns out I already had a program that could do it.

Jaunty needs some work imo, especially on Flash support. But maybe that was just with my Laptop.